Established in 1991, Colson X-Cel Ltd design and manufacture a range of Double Block & Bleed and Instrument valves. Colson X-Cel design, machine, assemble, test and QA all products in-house at the Advanced Manufacturing Park located in the UK just outside Sheffield. Colson X-Cel are approved with major global operators and hold an extensive worldwide reference list for supplying valves into critical and severe applications. Colson X-Cel’s extensive and innovative valve knowledge ensures it’s a world leader in valve technology for safe and reliable products.

Colson X-Cel : Quality, Integrity, Experience.

Excellent Product Design
Quality Assured
Superior Customer Service

Our Products

Instrument ball, needle, manifold and check valves

Colson X-Cel design and manufacture instrument ball, needle, manifold and check valves for the oil, gas, chemical and power-gen industry.

Floating Ball Valve - DMB Series

Colson X-Cel provide phenomenal process piping Double Block and Bleed Valves from ½” to 12” in size.

Fugitive Emission Valves - CX Range

Colson X-Cel manufacture a range of valves which achieve super low emissions to the ISO 15848 Part 1 qualification.

Chemical Injection Valves - DF Range

Colson X-Cel manufacture a range of sampling and chemical injection Double Block and Bleed Valves, which are supported with wake calculations to ASME PTC 19.3 TW-2016.

An extensive range of Instrument and Double Block & Bleed Valves

Colson X-Cel Ltd

Since the 1990’s, Colson X-Cel Ltd have been ingrained as a key valve supplier within the Chemical, Offshore, Oil and Gas Industries, satisfying the needs of a market known for its arduous requirements for product performance and reliability, quality assurance, traceability, certification, and documentation. Involvement in numerous oil and gas projects around the world during the last two decades has enabled the Company to gain valuable commercial experience in managing large projects for major companies in the Chemical, Offshore, Oil and Gas Industries, where lead times are critical and failure is not an option.

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